Shadows of a Central Australian Night

Shadows of the outback night stretch long over Alice Springs. In the darkness, all sorts of mysteries unfold, not all of them noble, not all of them fair. However, the night does not last forever, and soon light will flush out the false secrets the desert has been keeping and usher daybreak into existence. 

Not everything that happens at night is untoward. Much is built and created, many promises made and kept, and new directions birthed when the sky is hung with stars and moon. Dreams rise towards the horizon and plans are put in place, nursed through the long hours, until they can be presented to everyone. Sometimes, answers to questions are found; other times, lying around a campfire in swags, we build friendships with others that outlast the night and bring joy tomorrow.

Evening in Central Australia (Photo credit: Vicki Hutchinson)
Evening in Central Australia (Photo credit: Vicki Hutchinson)

The Central Australian desert breathes all through the night. Its life has extended for eons, undestroyed by the passage of time. Many seasons have passed over it, and many more are to come. In the depth of the night, it whispers to us that after the darkest hour comes morning.

Live fully in both the day and night. One does not cancel out the other. We always have both. Remember resilience, community, and strength. Enjoy the sunshine and the rain and continue to walk forward. The night sky hovering over sweeps of desert, holding the outback in its stillness, is a type of beauty not everyone gets to know in a lifetime. 

Be strong. Go well.